What do you think about the subject of
"animal communicators"?
I'm going to go out on the ledge here and bring up dog whispering and how it has helped me and my dogs and other animals. I know many people are doubtful and even skeptical about the ability of someone to be able to understand what an animal is mentally communicating.
I didn't think there was much to it either.
This is my friend, Dr. Nancy Bruington. We both go to dog shows as vendors; me to sell my dog products, her to sell her service of animal communicating. At first I though, "nice lady, but I don't get it".
When things would be slow, we'd have polite conversations and as we got to know each other better, talk more in depth about business, dog shows, etc.
Once time we were talking about the animal communicating and I told her I didn't really believe. I also told her how I had a horse who didn't want to go into the arena to run barrels and how I hated spending so much money if she didn't even want to do barrel racing. She said something along the lines of "What would it hurt? You spend that much on a barrel run." I've spent $75 or more for a 15 to 20 second ride, so I figured, what the heck? A session would cost alot less and maybe it would make a difference.
We had a session. She communicated with several of my horses and dogs over about 30 minutes. She was able to tell me things about my animals that I knew but hadn't even thought about.
I was impressed. Because of that session, I started developing a much stronger understanding of my barrel horse, as well as my other animals. We've had several sessions since then.
This is our old girl Rocket. We lost her a couple of years ago due to cancer at the age of almost 14. This picture was on one her good days towards the end.......she was showing me she was smiling!
As Rocket got down to the end, I wondered when it was going to be "that time". You know, the time when she no longer wanted to be living because she had so much pain. Rocket was a tough one and would not give in easily to leaving us.
We got to the day where Rocket no longer wanted her favorite treat and she could barely move. I felt it was time but I wanted to see if Dr. Nancy could help with the decision and the process.
We had a session that morning over the phone. Rocket wanted to say "good bye" to Dad (my husband who was at work) and one of our daughters who had a special bond with her. I hadn't mentioned that bond to Dr. Nancy but she picked it up from Rocket. I felt like her insight made a big difference so I could help my girl and ease her pain. We took that most difficult last trip to the vet.
That was a tough day, but the communication we had has sooooo helped in understanding and acceptance and believing it was the best end we could have for our time with Rocket.
I don't know about other animal communicators. I imagine some are better at some things than others and they all have different skill levels. What I do know is that I'm glad I tried it and believe it has a place in our relationships with our animals.
More information about Dr. Nancy Bruington
Animal Whispering