Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's that cool coat time of year!

It's that time of year........

I'm preparing to go set up for a dog show.  I'm reminded that it's almost June and the weather will be HOT before we know it.

If you do outdoor activities with your dogs, like agility, hiking, showing, or even just walks, they might need help cooling down.

Usually, when you think of coats, it is for keeping warm. These cool coats are ideal for keeping cool. You get them wet and then they work through simple evaporation to cool the air around your dog so your dog can get comfortable.  

P.S.  I have them on sale right now, through Monday, 6/1 so you might want to get set up for summer!

De Hufford
Made by De


  1. Those are a good idea for dogs that have trouble in the heat. Thanks for joining the hop!

  2. I'm entering your contest with ZoePhee! I hope I win so I can order a pink blingy coat for Layla.


