Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dogs who were glad to have clothes. www.coatsmadebyde.com

Some dogs really LIKE their clothes

So, I hear from time to time about how people don't think dogs need or should have clothes.  In some cases that is true.  A husky probably doesn't need a coat. A labrador retriever who lives in Texas probably doesn't need a coat. 

A dog that refuses to walk in any clothing might not like coats.  Or a dog that chews up anything that is put on him or her, probably doesn't like clothes.  Or at least THOSE clothes.  Or, is it possible that whatever it is doesn't fit so the clothing is more bothersome than it is worth.  

This IG lives in northern Montana.  Having a very short coat of her own, she really appreciates having a coat to keep her warm. Even if she only has to go out for a short time,  when it is 20 degrees BELOW zero, she gets cold quickly.

This mastiff has a flat face. Brachycephalic it's called.  These dogs can't cool off as well because of their anatomy.  When most dogs and humans are comfortable, they are hot.  Having a cool coat to help him stay comfortable makes life easier for him.

This little cutie just loves the way she sounds when she has all her fancy beads on.  She was so proud of herself and all the attention she was getting.  She loves feeling pampered with a fancy coat.

Sure, I make dog clothes.  I talk to alot of people who want something for their dog.  But I believe the dogs will let you know if they want whatever it is.  

If they look and seem pretty comfortable just as they are, they might not need any help from us. 

If they seem cold, hot, uncomfortable, etc., maybe they need something after all.  If you look at your dog and really watch their behavior, you can probably tell how they are doing.  Maybe it's nice to know there are options.  

1 comment:

  1. My girls have worn clothes from the beginning. We don't have extreme temperatures in Oregon but they don't like being cold at all and they really don't like being wet and cold. I always feel bad for my neighbors who have little dogs with short hair. They never put sweaters on them and those dogs are totally freezing. I feel bad for them. I'm hoping that it warms up soon! The news cast says it's going to be upper 70s by the end of this week! I'm hoping the sun will come out! :)


