Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Five ways to keep your dog happy, www.coatsmadebyde.com

Five Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy

If you have a dog, chances are they are part of the family.  You want to keep them happy and feel like a good pet parent.

Here are a few ways that you can make your pup feel loved and make yourself feel better about life.

1)  Spend time with your dogs - they don't have jobs, school, internet........they just want to spend time with their humans. Whether it is hanging out on the couch, going for a walk, ....... whatever, they appreciate your time and you might find you feel better for it as well.

2)  Feed them well - there are a lot of different options and different opinions out there.  Bottom line, it is worth the effort to find out what YOU believe makes your fur kids feel their best.  Not to mention, if they are fed well, they might not have as many vet bills.

3)  Keep them exercised - dogs aren't really any different than people in this area.  They need exercise to stay strong, lean and healthy, just like we do.  The great part about it is, keeping them exercised can help keep YOU exercised as well.

4)  Keep them comfortable - if it is cold, make sure they have a warm place to hang out, coats, blankets, etc.  If it is hot out, make sure they can get out of the sun, have lots of fresh water to drink and maybe to play in.  Let them have a soft place to sleep.  When they are injured or getting older, make sure their pain is managed as well as possible.  Our canine friends feel the cold and heat, discomfort and pain and need our help from time to time.

5)  Keep them healthy - take them to the vet when necessary.  Not fun, but vaccinations and wellness checks can prevent more serious problems. Spaying or neutering are also something to be considered.

Our dogs are loyal companions and forgive us our faults.  They deserve the best we can give them.

De Hufford
Made by De


  1. Great reminders on how to treat your pets.

  2. These are great tips! Thanks for sharing De!

  3. Great reminders... I can think of a 6th one.. Love them to pieces!!!!!

  4. Yes! LOOOOOOOOOVE my pups! They just want to be part of the family and will love you endlessly and unconditionally!


