Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dog Coat Client Appreciation at Made by De

Dog Coat Clients

Made by De

As a business owner, I love my clients.  Especially my repeat clients; the ones that keep coming back and keep telling other people to come see me.  They are the people that let me know it's all worthwhile. I truly appreciate their support and plan to show that appreciation!

These pictures are all of my clients wearing one of my creations.  The pictures speak volumes about how the dogs look and feel.

When I can see them with their dogs enjoying what I've made, it makes my day!

Not only does it make me feel good, it looks good for my products.  I am always on the lookout for great pictures of those fabulous dogs in my creations for my website, social media, etc.  

Coming up.......

Watch my upcoming newsletter (out tomorrow, May 1) for details about a new giveaway I'm having so I can see more of my stuff in pictures!  If you haven't signed up yet, here's your chance.

You can sign up using the sign up form at the right of the blog or go to the following link

I include my upcoming sales, events, new products and special information that you may not see anywhere else.  I look forward to hearing from you!

De Hufford
Made by De

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why dogs deserve the best

Why dogs deserve the best

This is our old girl, Rocket.  She was with us for a good long time, although it's never long enough.  She's smiling in this picture, showing her appreciation for the comfy chair.  

When she was younger, she would come out with me when I was out on the horses, getting especially worried if a storm was coming or something else was happening she considered worrisome.  I'd see her head peak up over the hay or weeds, just keeping an eye out.

This is her, cooling off in the horse tanks; one of her favorite places on a hot day.  As she got older and her hips didn't work as well, she could get in but she couldn't get out.  She'd have to stand and wait for me to come pull her out.  But she'd always be there.

This is her, modeling one of my creations.  She was my favorite model because, no matter what she thought of the creation, she'd try to make it look good.

She was always the one to take care.  She was the one who settled the arguments in the pack.  She was the one who watched over the stray kittens.  She was my friend and my companion.

It was hard to watch her hurt.  It wasn't easy to see her lose weight and get weak.  And it wasn't especially fun to clean up when she couldn't control her bladder and then her bowels.  

But I did it and I'm glad I did.  She would have done it for me.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dog Cool Coats - What's the big deal?

Why do dogs need cool coats?

There are many types of cool coats available. These are all evaporative cooling coats.

Dogs have a different way of cooling off on their own than we humans do.  

    1) Evaporative cooling - panting or sweating through the pads of their feet. 

    2) Lying on cool surfaces - grass, cement, tile

    3) Getting wet - pools, puddles, wet grass

They can't sweat like we do and they have fewer adaptations for cooling off.  Different breeds and types of dogs deal with heat differently as well.

     -Dark colored dogs have a harder time cooling off because of the absorption of heat  by their coat.

     -Dogs with flat faces (think pugs, boxers, bulldogs) get less benefit from panting.

     -Smooth coated dogs coats can't trap air next to them like dogs with fluffy fur such as samoyeds.

 Without some type of intervention, they can suffer heat stroke pretty quickly.  You don't want to wait until they are panting heavily, anxious, hyperventilating, weakened, vomiting or seizing.  Those are all signs that they are getting into trouble. It could be fatal.

That's where dog cool coats come in.  We can help dogs cool off by using cool coats.  Cool coats work in various ways.  Many of them use evaporative cooling (like the ones in this post).

Evaporation has been scientifically proven to reduce air temperature by several degrees.  When something, like a cool coat, is wet and placed near or on a dog, it dries through evaporation, thus lowering temperature.  It's usually enough to keep your dog comfortable.

Your dog can enjoy hiking, agility, running, or showing in hot weather if they are feeling good because they are comfortable.  

These coats are all made by me.  They are custom made for your particular dog based on breed type, your measurements, and other specifics for the best fit available.  See for more information and to order.  Summer is coming.  You don't want to make your dog miss out on the fun!

De Hufford
Made by De

Friday, April 24, 2015

Why dog belly bands?

Dog clothes?
Understanding belly bands

When you hear "dog clothes", do you picture a little toy poodle with a frilly dress on and bows in it's hair?  That certainly happens, and the people and dogs seem to like it.  If you're like I was, you think most dogs don't need much.  A collar and leash should cover it, right? Then you hear "belly band", "weenie wrap", "dog diaper", "dog cumberbund" and wonder ???????????

If you understand boy dogs, you might understand that "boys will be boys".   It is natural for a male dog to mark its territory.  Or maybe he is not trained for being inside and just pees wherever.  Or maybe he is incontinent and can't help it. What a mess!

Belly bands are designed for boy dogs to help decrease the mess.  They wrap around the "equipment" and they can help in a few different ways;

1)  Physically catch the mess

2)  Remind your boy that he's not supposed to mark/relieve himself when it is on

3)  Train your boy that when he gets the band wet, he has done something that should be avoided.  

The last two ways sometimes work depending on your dog's willingness to change, but the first one definitely works!

There are many varieties of belly bands and they all have a similar function.  The belly bands or dog diapers I have pictured are cotton flannel so they are soft, breathable and somewhat absorbent. A feminine napkin or depends, either one with the sticky backing, can be placed in the pad to absorb urine.  They fasten with velcro and allow for adjustment for best fit.

If you have a boy dog and visit places where other dogs have been or are, if you have girl dogs in heat, if you have a dog you're potty training or an older incontinent boy, you might want to find out more.

Visit my website for more information.

De Hufford
Made by De


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Is your dog an athlete?

Is your dog an athlete?

Maybe it's frisbee catching.  Or possibly dock diving.  Perhaps coursing or hunting are the most fun.   Some people and their dogs love agility.  Then there is just playing hard.  Or ?  So many options to choose from.

Whatever activity your dog enjoys, canine athletes are similar to human athletes in many ways.  They enjoy the movement and exercise. They like the challenge of the competition.  They love the partnership with you; their human.

In order to do this comfortably, they need to have their muscles conditioned and strong to prevent injuries. Conditioning muscles, in whatever way is best for what you plan, will make activities more enjoyable.  Have you ever all of a sudden done a bunch of sit ups when you hadn't done any in forever.  It hurts for days!  

Dogs that might not normally need jackets, may need something to keep muscles warm so they can perform safely.  A cold muscle tears easily, whether canine or human, and that's just no fun at all. Your pup won't want to compete if it hurts.


Massage is another great way to keep your athlete healthy or to help with soreness issues, in combination with any veterinary care, of course.  A good canine massage therapist is important to help your partner move as freely as possible.   

Since dogs don't cool down as easily as people do, it's important to help them when they need it. Summer is coming and it's going to get hot!  Although it may not allowed during an actual competition run, a cool coat might be super effective at keeping your dog cooled off and ready to do his or her best.  Or a cool coat can be used during practice. 

All types of dog activites are out there, ready to try.  You and your best friend will have a blast if you're ready.  Go enjoy!

De Hufford

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Catching up with social media: Dog Cool Coats - What's the big deal?

Catching up with social media: Dog Cool Coats - What's the big deal?: Why do dogs need cool coats? There are many types of cool coats available. These are all evaporative cooling coats.    ...

Dog Cool Coats - What's the big deal?

Why do dogs need cool coats?

There are many types of cool coats available. These are all evaporative cooling coats.


Dogs have a different way of cooling off on their own than we humans do.  

    1) Evaporative cooling - panting or sweating through the pads of their feet. 

    2) Lying on cool surfaces - grass, cement, tile

    3) Getting wet - pools, puddles, wet grass

They can't sweat like we do and they have fewer adaptations for cooling off.  Different breeds and types of dogs deal with heat differently as well.

     -Dark colored dogs have a harder time cooling off because of the absorption of heat  by their coat.

     -Dogs with flat faces (think pugs, boxers, bulldogs) get less benefit from panting.

     -Smooth coated dogs coats can't trap air next to them like dogs with fluffy fur such as samoyeds.

 Without some type of intervention, they can suffer heat stroke pretty quickly.  You don't want to wait until they are panting heavily, anxious, hyperventilating, weakened, vomiting or seizing.  Those are all signs that they are getting into trouble. It could be fatal.

That's where dog cool coats come in.  We can help dogs cool off by using cool coats.  Cool coats work in various ways.  Many of them use evaporative cooling (like the ones in this post).

Evaporation has been scientifically proven to reduce air temperature by several degrees.  When something, like a cool coat, is wet and placed near or on a dog, it dries through evaporation, thus lowering temperature.  It's usually enough to keep your dog comfortable.

Your dog can enjoy hiking, agility, running, or showing in hot weather if they are feeling good because they are comfortable.  

These coats are all made by me.  They are custom made for your particular dog based on breed type, your measurements, and other specifics for the best fit available.  See for more information and to order.  Summer is coming.  You don't want to make your dog miss out on the fun!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Taking care of my best friend - animal communicators

What do you think about the subject of 

"animal communicators"?

I'm going to go out on the ledge here and bring up dog whispering and how it has helped me and my dogs and other animals.  I know many people are doubtful and even skeptical about the ability of someone to be able to understand what an animal is mentally communicating.   

I didn't think there was much to it either.  

Dr. B

This is my friend, Dr. Nancy Bruington.  We both go to dog shows as vendors; me to sell my dog products, her to sell her service of animal communicating.  At first I though, "nice lady, but I don't get it".

When things would be slow, we'd have polite conversations and as we got to know each other better, talk more in depth about business, dog shows, etc.  

Once time we were talking about the animal communicating and I told her I didn't really believe.  I also told her how I had a horse who didn't want to go into the arena to run barrels and how I hated spending so much money if she didn't even want to do barrel racing.  She said something along the lines of "What would it hurt?  You spend that much on a barrel run."  I've spent $75 or more for a 15 to 20 second ride, so I figured, what the heck?  A session would cost alot less and maybe it would make a difference.

We had a session.  She communicated with several of my horses and dogs over about 30 minutes.  She was able to tell me things about my animals that I knew but hadn't even thought about.  

I was impressed.  Because of that session, I started developing a much stronger understanding of my barrel horse, as well as my other animals.  We've had several sessions since then.

This is our old girl Rocket.  We lost her a couple of years ago due to cancer at the age of almost 14. This picture was on one her good days towards the end.......she was showing me she was smiling!  

As Rocket got down to the end, I wondered when it was going to be "that time".  You know, the time when she no longer wanted to be living because she had so much pain.  Rocket was a tough one and would not give in easily to leaving us.  

We got to the day where Rocket no longer wanted her favorite treat and she could barely move.  I felt it was time but I wanted to see if  Dr. Nancy could help with the decision and the process. 

We had a session that morning over the phone.  Rocket wanted to say "good bye" to Dad (my husband who was at work) and one of our daughters who had a special bond with her.  I hadn't mentioned that bond to Dr. Nancy but she picked it up from Rocket.  I felt like her insight made a big difference so I could help my girl and ease her pain.  We took that most difficult last trip to the vet.

That was a tough day, but the communication we had has sooooo helped in understanding and acceptance and believing it was the best end we could have for our time with Rocket.

I don't know about other animal communicators.  I imagine some are better at some things than others and they all have different skill levels.  What I do know is that I'm glad I tried it and believe it has a place in our relationships with our animals.

More information about Dr. Nancy Bruington

Animal Whispering

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Creating a pee suit for Irish setters, Afghan hounds, long haired chihuahuas, spaniels, etc., a work in progress............

Work in progress.................

My latest project is creating a pee suit.

A pee suit is for long haired dogs such as spaniels, setters, afghan hounds, etc.,  to keep all those gorgeous furnishings clean when it is wet or muddy outside or when potty breaks are in order. 

 The suit will make life easier for the owners because they won't need to clean as much and for the dogs because they won't have to be cleaned as much.

Getting the feel of the fabric and how it all goes together.

My serger has been hard at work.

Water repellent fabric, racing car stripes, gathers, elastic, ties, velcro closure...............

Lots of detail

Looking forward to the finished product.  I hope to be putting this on my website in the near future. In the meantime, you can contact me and get one before everyone else!

 Watch for pictures of the finished product on an actual dog!  They will be on  

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Coats Made by De ..... a day in the life between making dog coats and the rest of the world

A day in the life........

This is what I see first thing in the of our cats walking along the top of the pivot; about 30 feet above the ground.

We go down to feed and let the chickens out and ...........

Our holstein cows, munching happily.  Known more for milk product, but they make great hamburgers too!  

The older gentlemen, our 20 something thoroughbreds.  I guess I'm disturbing their breakfast.

My future barrel prospect, a yearling quarter horse filly.  She's wondering 
"Whatcha' doin'?

The girls........enjoying the hay and the freedom

Our guard rooster and Jessie's nemesis,
a Rhode Island Red.  

Jessie, on guard against the rooster, the horses, .........whatever needs guarded against.

Sera, our pack leader, watching over the proceedings in case her intervention is needed.  She takes her job pretty seriously.

The feeding crew.  It's out trip back to the house.  If you look closely, there are 5 dogs and 4 or 5 cats.  Usually, our procession includes all dogs and 8 or 9 cats but I couldn't get them all in the picture.

Routine happenings on a routine day.  However, when I pay attention, I realize how lucky I am to have all these animals in my life, living on a beautiful farm in Wyoming.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dog coats, are they for your dog? You can't please everybody.

"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."  

Dita Von Teese

I love this quote.  It is a great reminder that just because somebody doesn't care for what you like, what you are, what you create, etc., it doesn't mean it's no good.  It's just not good for them.

This is a picture of sunrise at our farm/ranch in Wyoming.  I absolutely LOVE this picture, this view, living in the country.  There are many people I've met who 

1) don't like the country and being away from all the conveniences of the city

2) don't like dawn because they are night owls instead of early birds

3) don't care for views like this.

That's ok because I LOVE IT.  Heck, if everyone liked it, it would not be the same peaceful, spacious place that it is now because it would be full of people.  

I have a business making dog clothing, custom made for each particular dog.  People have a lot of preconceived notions about what a dog coat should be like, a la Pet Smart, Hurta, etc.  Heck, some people don't think dogs even NEED coats.  These people, in this reference, are the ones that don't like "peaches".  

  I have my own approach.  I make each individual item separately with my own two hands.  These other companies have a distributor who makes their products in bulk.  They might sell them at lower prices than I do.  They might have a bigger, more recognizable name than I do.  They cannot possibly have the individual attention that I can give.  

Some people like the "buy it now because everybody has one" mentality.  That's fine for them.  Some people like to get a one of a kind coat that will never be exactly duplicated.  Some people like to have a personal exchange with an individual creator.  Those people understand and appreciate what I do.  They like "peaches".

If everybody liked "peaches", I would not be able to fulfill all of their needs anyway.  I would not like the approach I'd have to take because, in order to try to meet their needs, I'd have to change the way I do things and all of a sudden it would not be what I intended.  

What this quote ultimately means, is that you don't have to please everyone.  You can be the best "peach" you can be and that is success!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cooling off in style!

I love this picture.  It's my old aussie girl, Rocket.  She used to do this every time we went out with the horses on hot days.  We live in the country on a good sized farm/ranch so she could do that.  

We have five dogs currently, since Rocket passed on a couple years back.  Each one of them has their own "personality" and quirks.  Each one is an individual.  And I love them all.

Sera, the new girl in charge since we lost Rocket, has to check on everything.  She's pretty darn smart too.  She watches for "her" kids (the grandkids) when she know they are coming, or watches for "Dad" (my husband) when he's supposed to be home. And if she doesn't approve of someone, none of the rest do either.

Jack does this all the time, especially when he's waiting for us to throw his tennis ball for him.  He can go ALL DAY LONG.

This is Gabby's signature back scratch.  It must work because she does this frequently.

Jessie is the chihuahua in mini aussie hide.  She's all sweetness with me and puts on her ferocious face when people come over. 

And then there's Reba.  This is her "Love Me" grin.  She can never get enough love or get close enough.

These guys are why I do what I do for a living. I make custom dog clothing so that each dog can have what they need and it will fit and suit their personality.  Why not check out my page, to see what I've got, as well as LOTS of dog pictures.

