Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why go to dog shows?

Soooooooo, why do I go to the dog show? 

Sure, I make and sell dog clothes and there are lots of dogs there. However, I also get to so a large variety of dogs and often get to pet them and get to know a bit about them.

These pictures are of 

1) a Cane Corso, in the blue jungle cool coat. Handsome boy!

2) an Ibizan Hound, coatless. What a pretty girl with a pretty collar.

3) a Rhodesian Ridgeback in the real wave cool coat. She was so sweet!

These are some of the many beautiful and interesting dogs I got to see yesterday.

This is one of the better parts of my job!

De Hufford
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's that cool coat time of year!

It's that time of year........

I'm preparing to go set up for a dog show.  I'm reminded that it's almost June and the weather will be HOT before we know it.

If you do outdoor activities with your dogs, like agility, hiking, showing, or even just walks, they might need help cooling down.

Usually, when you think of coats, it is for keeping warm. These cool coats are ideal for keeping cool. You get them wet and then they work through simple evaporation to cool the air around your dog so your dog can get comfortable.  

P.S.  I have them on sale right now, through Monday, 6/1 so you might want to get set up for summer!

De Hufford
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dogs who were glad to have clothes.

Some dogs really LIKE their clothes

So, I hear from time to time about how people don't think dogs need or should have clothes.  In some cases that is true.  A husky probably doesn't need a coat. A labrador retriever who lives in Texas probably doesn't need a coat. 

A dog that refuses to walk in any clothing might not like coats.  Or a dog that chews up anything that is put on him or her, probably doesn't like clothes.  Or at least THOSE clothes.  Or, is it possible that whatever it is doesn't fit so the clothing is more bothersome than it is worth.  

This IG lives in northern Montana.  Having a very short coat of her own, she really appreciates having a coat to keep her warm. Even if she only has to go out for a short time,  when it is 20 degrees BELOW zero, she gets cold quickly.

This mastiff has a flat face. Brachycephalic it's called.  These dogs can't cool off as well because of their anatomy.  When most dogs and humans are comfortable, they are hot.  Having a cool coat to help him stay comfortable makes life easier for him.

This little cutie just loves the way she sounds when she has all her fancy beads on.  She was so proud of herself and all the attention she was getting.  She loves feeling pampered with a fancy coat.

Sure, I make dog clothes.  I talk to alot of people who want something for their dog.  But I believe the dogs will let you know if they want whatever it is.  

If they look and seem pretty comfortable just as they are, they might not need any help from us. 

If they seem cold, hot, uncomfortable, etc., maybe they need something after all.  If you look at your dog and really watch their behavior, you can probably tell how they are doing.  Maybe it's nice to know there are options.  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dog Clothes in the Military?

In the spirit of Memorial Day.....

Dogs are our companions and helpers in sooo many ways. Memorial Day is a time to remember what some of these loyal animals have done for us.

So, this is one type of service dog, the civilian variety.  They can help detect seizures and other health conditions, they can support PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), they can help those with vision or hearing deficits and all kinds of other things.  Dogs make great service animals.  

Then there are military service dogs.  Their jobs are much different than civilian service dogs.  And sometimes they need clothing to help them perform their jobs better.

Military dogs work in pretty difficult conditions sometimes.  Take a look at this impressive pup. His vest has a special use to help keep him safe and also carry what looks like a camera.  Those must be some pretty amazing pictures.

This is a picture of a dog wearing a specialized vest.  See the handles at head and tail end?  This is similar to the outfits the dogs wear when they are parachuting to participate in a mission.

The dogs may need goggles ..........


Or a full suit and mask..........

To protect them from the elements and conditions they are asked to participate in.

Whatever the conditions, no matter how difficult the task, military dogs have served and supported our military.   Yes, they do sometimes need dog clothes.

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have served and died for our country.  Even dogs. Take time to remember and be thankful.

De Hufford
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Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Heart Dog,

That Special Connection  

I am an animal lover.  I love all my critters, from horses, to cats to cows to chickens to dogs.  I do the best I can for each and every one.

Sometimes, there is ONE that you just connect to.  It's not something you plan.  It's not something you can make happen.  It just happens.

This is Rocket.  We was actually my husband's dog before we met, but quickly became mine. She was and still is my heart dog.  Even though she passed a couple years ago at the ripe old age of 13, she is still with me in my heart.

This is the girl that would go everywhere with me.  When I needed a hug, she was there.  When I'd go out and ride my horses, she'd be close by, watching out for me.  When we found abandoned baby kittens, she was the one who would help take care of them.  

I have so many stories about her; how special and unique and SMART she was.  That's a topic for another post because I could go on forever.

It was hard to watch her slow down, hurting.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  I was there for her, like she was always there for me.  

Of course, I still have 5 dogs, as well as all the rest of the animals.  I can't imagine life without some dogs in it.  And while I love them all to pieces, Rocket stays with me.  She is my heart dog!

De Hufford
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Going to a dog show!!

Going to a dog show!!!

I'm getting ready to go to one the bigger dog shows in the area, the Flatirons Kennel Club Dog Show in Longmont, Colorado.  I have a few more days to get everything ready and then it's off I go.

I love going to the dog shows and seeing, up close and personal, all those interesting, loveable, majestic, fun breeds and their owners. 

I'm not sure which ones I like best.  I have my Aussies, of course.  But the Great Danes are so gentle and gracious. The Pugs are so charming.  The Dobes are so graceful.  I could go on and on.  

Since I don't show dogs myself, I can spend my time visiting instead of getting ready.  I make lots of stuff that will help people get their dogs ready to show their best, but I don't have to do the grooming work. 

At an event is where my creative juices really get awakened.  Each time I go, I visit with someone who needs something or other.  Or I see what people are doing and have an "ah ha!"  moment.

If you're in the area, stop by and see me.  And if you show dogs, or even if you don't, contact me.  I'd love to talk to you about what your dog needs and make something just for them!

De Hufford
Made by De

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Happy spring!

Weekend fun with the dogs!

This is what our weekend is likely to look like.  It's supposed to be rainy here, so those outdoor activities might have to wait.  

That's ok.  Lounging on the couch isn't a bad way to spend the time sometimes.  And the rain will be fantastic for all the growing things in our dry climate.

What are you and your dogs planning for this weekend?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ten ways you can have fun with your canine companion,

Get Active With Your Dog


Dogs are so fantastic for the health of their people.  Not only do they give us limitless love and companionship.  They provide us with tons of opportunities to be active and more healthy ourselves. 


Looking for something different to do with your dog?

Pretty much everyone knows about the basics; going for a walk, playing fetch in the backyard. maybe going for a run or a bike ride.  However, there are so many more out there.  The average person can participate in a number of them without a whole lot of preparation.  How many do you know of?

Lure Coursing

Ten activities you might want to do with your dogs

1)  Agility

2)  Flyball

3)  Dock Diving

4)  Frisbee

5)  Barn Hunting

6)  Lure Coursing

7)   Obedience

8)   Rally

9)   Herding

10) Musical Freestyle

Dock Diving

This list is not inclusive by any means. It's only the start of an introduction to the sports.  Depending on breed, time, training, money...........there are many more activities or sports out there.  

The activities I have listed usually have local groups that can help you get started. And they have events or competitions for like minded people.  They are all dog lovers and generally welcome the newcomer.

If you're reading this, I imagine you are a dog lover as well.  Why not check out some of these activities and build on your relationship with your dog while you are getting active and healthy too?

De Hufford
Made by De

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Five ways to keep your dog happy,

Five Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy

If you have a dog, chances are they are part of the family.  You want to keep them happy and feel like a good pet parent.

Here are a few ways that you can make your pup feel loved and make yourself feel better about life.

1)  Spend time with your dogs - they don't have jobs, school, internet........they just want to spend time with their humans. Whether it is hanging out on the couch, going for a walk, ....... whatever, they appreciate your time and you might find you feel better for it as well.

2)  Feed them well - there are a lot of different options and different opinions out there.  Bottom line, it is worth the effort to find out what YOU believe makes your fur kids feel their best.  Not to mention, if they are fed well, they might not have as many vet bills.

3)  Keep them exercised - dogs aren't really any different than people in this area.  They need exercise to stay strong, lean and healthy, just like we do.  The great part about it is, keeping them exercised can help keep YOU exercised as well.

4)  Keep them comfortable - if it is cold, make sure they have a warm place to hang out, coats, blankets, etc.  If it is hot out, make sure they can get out of the sun, have lots of fresh water to drink and maybe to play in.  Let them have a soft place to sleep.  When they are injured or getting older, make sure their pain is managed as well as possible.  Our canine friends feel the cold and heat, discomfort and pain and need our help from time to time.

5)  Keep them healthy - take them to the vet when necessary.  Not fun, but vaccinations and wellness checks can prevent more serious problems. Spaying or neutering are also something to be considered.

Our dogs are loyal companions and forgive us our faults.  They deserve the best we can give them.

De Hufford
Made by De

Sunday, May 10, 2015

In the

 How did "Made by De" start?

When I was growing up, things were much different than they are now. There was no internet and no cell phones, There was one single computer in my junior high school that we all took turns at.  It was all 000000 and 1111111, with no word processing or any of the stuff we take for granted now.  

I was a secretary getting out of high school.  I eventually went to college and became an RN for quite a few years.  I was married, had kids...........the usual stuff.

I've always enjoyed making things.  One of my favorite classes was Home Economics, where I somewhat learned to use a sewing machine.  I crocheted.  I knitted. I made stuff with fabric paints.  It never occurred to me that creating could be made into a business.  

As the kids got close to graduating high school, I was consistently counting down the hours at work until I could do what I really wanted.  I wanted to get out of nursing, but the money was great and what else could I do to make that kind of money?

I was drawn to people and situations that made me think I could do something I enjoyed to make a living.  I was in a place where I could have the animals I love.  My husband was working a good job. I met a couple of people who were trying to sell some stuff online, including dog coats.  I started helping them out and learned it was possible to make money online in a non-traditional way.

I started learning the computer, learning how to make dog clothes, learning that there was a demand for something like what I could make.  The more people I talked to, the more possibilities I saw.

Over the last few years, I've managed to build an online business selling my creations for dogs.  I've learned all kinds of stuff about social media, search engines, advertising and, last but not least, blogging.  

It's all still a work in progress, but I am now happy with what I do for a living and run out of time before I run out of "want to".  I don't make as much money as I did nursing, at least not yet.  But I do well and I look forward to all the new, bigger, better stuff I can do.

De Hufford
Made by De

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dog Coats - 5 Reasons Why Custom is Best,

Dog Coats - Custom or Store Bought?

Have you ever gone into Petsmart, Petco, ........whatever local shops that carry dog clothes.  You wanted to take care of your pup by keeping them warm and comfy but couldn't find what you or your dog wanted?  Maybe a custom coat would be exactly what you need.

Five reasons to buy custom

1)  You have a dog that is not the "average" size; say a dachshund, a pug, a great dane........  They are the right size for the breed but the breed isn't the "average" size.  A custom coat can be made in the dimensions of your particular dog.
2)  You want a coat that is made well and meant to last a long time.  Custom coats are usually made by individuals, instead of in factories, who can provide individual attention to detail.

3)  You need specific features for your dog coat; reflective strips, a hood, a turtleneck.  A custom coat can be made with any of these features.

4)   You have special needs for a coat, such as needing to use a harness or having a therapy dog.  A custom coat can be made to accommodate special needs.
5)  You want something unique, something that not every dog owner has.  A custom coat is made just for you and your dog, not mass produced. 

If these reasons sound interesting, you can search online and find TONS of great stuff.  And usually the cost is comparable to the store bought coats.  Any extra cost is well worth it because your dog will have a coat that is comfortable and fits well and you'll have a product that lasts.

De Hufford
Made by De

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer is coming; you'll want to help your fur kids enjoy it.

Summer is coming!

When I first started making dog coats, I had no idea WHY a dog would need a coat in summer.  I certainly didn't know what a cool coat was. I found out they are very popular at dog events in hot weather.

Dogs can't sweat and panting only does so much.  They need help.  I've heard stories about dogs who would just sit down in the middle of an agility course.  Or they had no energy and looked a bit like limp noodles in the show ring or on the trail.  They were too hot to enjoy the activity
This is where cool coats come in.  People have been using cool coats to help their dogs cool off so they can enjoy whatever activity is planned. 

There are several types of dog cool coats.  Many of them work through evaporation. Evaporation cools the air (scientifically proven) around them.  You can SEE your dog get more comfortable.

If you like outdoor activities with your dog in hot weather, or if your dog is sensitive to warm weather, you might want to check it out.  

You can see more at my website,  

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dog Grooming Aids

Dog Grooming - Help!   

Do you have a long haired, or long eared dog that gets "stuff" all over themselves?  Maybe you have a light colored dog that LOVES to roll in the mud.  You might be someone who shows their dogs and want them to look their best in the ring.

There are lots of accessories on the market that can help with that.  The slinkies or dog swimsuits pull over the head and keep the topline/body clean and smooth.  They have a strap underneath the belly to hold them down as well as an elastic strap that anchors under the tail.  Made of swimsuit fabric, they are lightweight and breathable so your dog will be comfortable AND gorgeous.

Snoods are great for containing long ears that tend to pick up weeds, mud, food......... Elastic at top and bottom keep them in place without restricting your dog. They are made of lightweight fabric as well so as not to be uncomfortable in hot weather.

Dog grooming suits cover the legs and underside of the dog in addition to the topline.  These are especially good for dogs who get weeds or snowballs in their furnishings.  

Both the slinkies and the suits can be paired with the snoods for nearly complete coverage.  You can let your dogs be more themselves without worrying about tedious cleaning after each outing.

See my website,, to see what I have available.  All of my items are custom made so you can get the best fit and the features you need for your dog.


De Hufford
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