Saturday, June 6, 2015

5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool!

5 ways to keep your dog cool in the heat

Summer time is upon us.  The temperatures are climbing.  

While we people can cool off by decreasing clothes coverage, sweating and drinking cool water and enjoy activities, dogs have a tougher time.

While dogs can't "tell" us they are hot, we can watch for the early signs of overheating.  

1)  panting

2)  no energy

3)  irritable

Things we can do to help our canine partners survive and thrive in the heat.

1) On the farm, a dunk in the horse trough works pretty darn well.

If you are near a lake or swimming pool, that works well also.

2) Sometimes, lying on ice can really make things better.

3) If not ice, maybe shade or a cool floor.

4) Fans can also help.

The problem with all of these things is that they don't move with you and your dog.  

5) Cool coats of all types and styles move with your dog so you can hike, go to agility trials, bike, ........ whatever and still keep your dog cool.

Cool coat cools through evaporation.  Just wet them down.

Cool collar also cools through evaporation.  This one also has a pocket for ice for extra cooling.

With the summer heat, it is important to look out for our canine companions.  They can't speak for themselves but if we pay attention, they will tell us.


  1. We are having a heat wave right now, which is extremely odd for Oregon. Usually there are a few hot days but not so many in a row until July or August.

    I'm so happy to have the cooling coats! :D


