Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why go to dog shows?

Soooooooo, why do I go to the dog show? 

Sure, I make and sell dog clothes and there are lots of dogs there. However, I also get to so a large variety of dogs and often get to pet them and get to know a bit about them.

These pictures are of 

1) a Cane Corso, in the blue jungle cool coat. Handsome boy!

2) an Ibizan Hound, coatless. What a pretty girl with a pretty collar.

3) a Rhodesian Ridgeback in the real wave cool coat. She was so sweet!

These are some of the many beautiful and interesting dogs I got to see yesterday.

This is one of the better parts of my job!

De Hufford
Made by De


  1. I love going to dog shows, too! It's so fun to see all the different breeds. Ibizans are one of my favorites! :D

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