Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Going to a dog show!! www.coatsmadebyde.com

Going to a dog show!!!

I'm getting ready to go to one the bigger dog shows in the area, the Flatirons Kennel Club Dog Show in Longmont, Colorado.  I have a few more days to get everything ready and then it's off I go.

I love going to the dog shows and seeing, up close and personal, all those interesting, loveable, majestic, fun breeds and their owners. 

I'm not sure which ones I like best.  I have my Aussies, of course.  But the Great Danes are so gentle and gracious. The Pugs are so charming.  The Dobes are so graceful.  I could go on and on.  

Since I don't show dogs myself, I can spend my time visiting instead of getting ready.  I make lots of stuff that will help people get their dogs ready to show their best, but I don't have to do the grooming work. 

At an event is where my creative juices really get awakened.  Each time I go, I visit with someone who needs something or other.  Or I see what people are doing and have an "ah ha!"  moment.

If you're in the area, stop by and see me.  And if you show dogs, or even if you don't, contact me.  I'd love to talk to you about what your dog needs and make something just for them!

De Hufford
Made by De

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