Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's summer time (almost) and your dogs are going to get hot! www.coatsmadebyde.com

Cool Coat Giveaway!!!

So, you know how there are a bazillion different things you can buy on the internet and you don't know what is good and what isn't? 

I had a review done of my cool coats.  Somebody who tested them out and wrote what she thought and took lots of pictures.  

Instead of just taking my word for it, which I know is good but if you don't know me, may not mean so much, you can read what an objective person has to say about my stuff.

Lauren Miller with ZoePhee wrote a review and is running a cool coat giveaway.  You can read her review and sign up for a free cool coat at this link


Check it out!

If you don't win, you can still get your dog one of these cool coats and know that you don't just have to take my word for it.  See my website, www.coatsmadebyde.com for more info.

Summer is pretty much here and your dogs are going to get hot.  Why not help them out a bit so they can have fun too!

De Hufford
Made by De

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